Emily Beckman

Working in Industrial Design, I have the opportunity to innovate on needs that are identified through user research. How cool is that? Having the ability to identify any problem and solve it (with some beautiful forms, I might add). The design process I follow encompasses research, sketch phases (+so many more sketch iterations), developing prototypes for ergonomic testing, and creating CAD models. I think another key aspect of being a strong designer is embracing the collaboration from marketing and engineering to create the best things we can all make. It is incredible to have the capability to get so many people with so many strengths working together.

Developing Industrial Design concepts utilizes endless creativity and problem-solving. Every other second I'm asking myself "what if...", as I continue to contextualize how something could actually work. My favorite part of the entire design process is the beginning; The energy around collecting research, talking to users, and identifying key problems jumps my brain into overdrive thinking of endless solutions. Those overdrive thoughts turn into outlandish and out-there sketches that eventually get toned down for practicality but that creative leap is something I so value.

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